Thursday, October 2, 2008

Food to eat in acne

« ...Accutane, on the other hand, is an oral retinoid (call it an antibiotic), which is often prescribed for particularly severe cases of acne that do not respond to other treatments, and it works by stopping oil production in the sebaceous glands so that pores never become clogged. Chances of acne are therefore next to nil if you use Accutane. However, as with all antibiotics, Accutane brings with it certain side effects that are potentially harmful, which is why doctors prescribe it only as a last resort....
...To remove dead skin cells on your face, go with acne skin care products that have salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is good for unclogging pores and it also promotes healthy skin cells. In addition to topical acne treatments, you may benefit from taking acne treatments that you take orally. Check out acne treatment supplements that work to detoxify and kill bacteria on the skin. Acnezine is one of the best oral acne treatment products while ClearPores is considered the best overall for treating acne....»
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«...Hot and cold packs are used for the acne treatment and to kill the bacteria's which are left on the skin a good scrub is used. It also has a healthy diet treatment. Acne can be prevented by having good food and very good personal hygiene. There are some home made remedies too for the homeopathic acne treatment. One has to go through a consistent treatment for completely break-out from the problem for future. They use topical and non-chemical (not harsh) ingredients for medicinal purpose. Usage with proper guidance is required for the homeopathic treatments....»
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tags: drink lots of water for bad acne, pizza causes acne, acne clearing belly pregnancy

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